Aazad Law Associates is very much experienced in handling Parsi court marriage in Lahore Pakistan and has dealt many cases of Parsi court marriage, Parsi divorce and other cases in Pakistan. Hundreds of Parsi couples within Pakistan and abroad have availed our Parsi court marriage in Pakistan and are extremely happy today and have trust on us and they also refer us Parsi clients because they know that we very well understand the technicality and procedure of Parsi court marriage in Pakistan so feel free to contact Aazad Law Associates for the Parsi court marriage procedure in Lahore Pakistan. Our specialized lawyers conducts the Parsi court marriage procedure in Pakistan so contact us for Parsi court marriage in Lahore Pakistan. We can have the registration of marriage through Procedure of Parsi court marriage in Pakistan
As per the Parsi religion and Parsi marriage and divorce act 1936 prevailing throughout Pakistan for marriage certificate in Pakistan only Parsi male and female can marry with each other however marriage of a Parsi male or female with the other person of some other religion is not invalid but is irregular. The only difference of a Parsi marrying with a non Parsi is that the spouse does not inherit property otherwise a Parsi can marry a non Parsi. The ceremony of Parsi marriage is called as ashirvad and the ashirvad is conducted by a priest of Parsi religion.
As per Parsi marriage and divorce act 1936 the age for Parsi court marriage is 21 years for both male & female however under age Parsis can also marry with each other with the consent of father. In case Father is not available or found or dead then only the guardian of that spouse can permit the Parsi marriage. It is also necessary that the Parsi court marriage should be done in the presence of atleast 2 witnesses and these witnesses should also be a Parsi other than the priest even for online marriage in Pakistan. It should be noted that a person previously married cannot marry again which means that Bigamy is strictly prohibited and is an offence under Pakistan penal code. All the marriage forms are required to be filled and signed by a Parsi priest and non filling the of the form or not registering the forms is a crime .The registered Parsi marriage forms should be submitted to the registrar of the concerned area. The registrar for the Parsi marriage form is appointed by Chief Justice of the High court or the provincial Government and this registrar for the Parsi marriage can only be removed by the Chief Justice of the province or the provincial Government.
All the issues and legal matters related to the Parsi court marriage in Pakistan or divorce is dealt by the special courts for parsi matrimonial and birth certificate in Pakistan. The provincial Government have stablished special Parsi courts in every district and one thing should be kept in mind that every lawyer does not have the right to plead or practice in this special Parsi courts and only the Lawyers who have the license to practice in Higher courts have the right to plead and practice in special Parsi courts. Advocate Muhammad Ali Naeem Azad the CEO of Aazad Law Associates have dealt many cases in these special Parsi courts and have hand full of experience in the cases related to the special Parsi courts. Parsi couples or individual can feel free to contact us for any law related to the Parsi personal law and Parsi court marriage in Lahore Pakistan as we make the Parsi court marriage procedure in Pakistan easy for our Parsi clients because the procedure of Parsi court marriage in Pakistan is not so difficult and we know how to make it simple so contact us for Parsi court marriage procedure in Lahore Pakistan we will guide you in detail regarding the Parsi court marriage procedure in Pakistan